Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Female Circumcision A Violation of Human Rights - 993 Words

Even before the declaration of human rights came into existence, societies across Africa, Asia and Latin America felt pressured by the Western world to revise certain of their traditional customs and beliefs (Hayter, 1984). Human rights activists especially have deemed certain aspects of their traditional cultures harmful to their people, a violation of their human rights, and female circumcision is one of them. Even though human rights activists perceive this practice as a clear violation of women and children’s rights, in African and Arabic societies where the custom is prevalent, it is considered an essential part of a woman’s life and cultural identity. They argue that those who are not part of the culture shouldn’t take part in the debate over the issue. The debate over female genital mutilation reflects the incompatibility of human rights with cultural relativism and what a challenge it is for everyone involved. Even though men and patriarchal values have been accused of being the root cause of the problem, the reality is women are the ones putting other women and girls through these operations. Apparently it’s because some of them don’t know any better due to lack of education or alternatives (Boneware-Miller 1985, 246). Human rights activists should be included in the debate over female circumcision but the people who should be central to it are the women who belong to these societies. Traditional communities tend to be suspicious of Westerners who try to persuadeShow MoreRelatedFemale Circumcision Essay1294 Words   |  6 Pagespainful one? Female Circumcision is a procedure that is a tradition to many cultures. The purpose of this procedure is to make women stay faithful to their husbands and not become promiscuous, as they get older. This procedure is not safe and has many side effects. 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